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TRE (Trauma / Anxiety / Stress)

TRE - Trauma/Tension Release Exersizes

Qualified level 2 practitioner

Can be one on one - or a group of up to ten

TRE releases and relieves a over loaded nervous system caused by a stressful life (marriage/business)Trauma/Loss/Stress/Anxiety

Discovery Health published statistics of stress related claims since the beginning of COVID that is of great concern. 

Unmanaged Stress will affect your physical health, cause emotional imbalance and many other negative impacts on life in general. 

If you often feel REALLY ANGRY - you need to pay attention.

Anger is the manifestation of many underlying stress build up issues.

It is imperative to release the unavoidable winding up of the nervous system so that we can have space to manage everyday life.  We can not change the outside world but be can manage our inner world.

TRE is a modality that once learnt is yours for life

Can even be done while watching TV

Your body is amazing in that it knows what it needs

Release the tension build up of stress of daily life or more intense nervous system overload like shock/trauma

It is vital to learn this modality with a qualified person so that you can benefit from it safely.

You need to be guided initially so that you don't re-traumatize your system.

I use it often for general stress management - or in an overwhelm situation eg receiving bad news 

It is for the whole family

Please click on this link for more information

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